
When looking at dog insurance pre existing conditions can be an issue. If you have a dog that has a pre existing condition, then you will want to make sure that pre existing conditions are covered. When looking at pre existing conditions cover, then you will need to read your pet insurance cover quotes carefully….


Go to Emerald Life and get a quote in minutes from our online portal – coverage for dogs, cats, exotic pets – and pre existing conditions. You can find us HERE.

But before we get started on pet insurance, you may want to read on as we summarise what you may need for your pet’s pre existing condition, and what to look out for. 

As part of this you will need to look at the providers that offer pet insurance, and from any insurance provider, it is important to compare veterinary cover provided. 

What is a Pre-Existing Condition in Pet Insurance?

Definition and examples

  • A pre-existing condition is a medical problem your pet has had signs of, or needed vet advice, medication or treatment for, before taking out your pet insurance policy. When looking at a pre existing medical condition, then we have to look at cover and terms of any insurance (is it covered? is there a vet fee limit? if there is a vet fee limit, does it apply to pre existing conditions?)
  • Examples include digestive, skin, and eye problems, as well as genetic conditions such as heart problems and arthritis. When you add in conditions such as cancer, obesity, allergies considered serious, then there are lots of issues, whether or not closely related, that can affect your cover limits. 

Types of pre-existing conditions: chronic, historical, congenital, and bilateral

So you do need to look at what pre existing medical conditions may be covered by your pet insurance and what they mean. Here at Emerald with our award-winning pet insurance, we can cover pre existing conditions using one of our specialist insurance schemes, as long as you meet certain criteria.

What terms might your insurance policy documents use for pre existing conditions? Here are some common terms:

  • Chronic conditions: incurable conditions that need regular treatment, check-ups or medication.
  • Historical conditions: illnesses or injuries your pet has had in the past but doesn’t anymore.
  • Congenital conditions: genetic conditions passed down through your pet’s family tree.
  • Bilateral conditions: conditions that affect both sides of your pet’s body (so not just one side of your pet’s body), such as hip dysplasia.

Can I Get Pet Insurance for My Pet’s Pre Existing Conditions?

Insuring pets with existing health issues

  • Yes, you can get pet insurance for pre-existing conditions, but it may be more expensive and have exclusions, but there is pet insurance designed for you and your pet – and more importantly for pre existing conditions. 
  • In some standard pet insurance policies, pre existing condition cover is not included which means that you might have to pay some of all of your vet fees. This can be bad news for pet owners and of course may therefore limit your vet treatment. 

Importance of disclosing pre-existing conditions

  • It’s crucial to disclose any pre-existing conditions your pet has when taking out insurance to ensure peace of mind and avoid future claims being rejected. With pet insurance, as with human health or travel insurance, you do need to disclose any pre existing conditions if you want to cover pre existing conditions. If you do not disclose a pre existing condition, there is a risk that your pet insurance not only doesn’t cover that pre existing condition, but in fact does not cover anything at all.
  • When thinking about pre existing medical conditions and cover for pet health, if in doubt then disclose it to your insurer so that they can provide cover without you worrying that cover may not be there when you need it. 

How to Find the Right Pet Insurance Policy

Researching insurance providers

  • Compare quotes from leading insurers to find pet insurance that covers pre-existing conditions. Look at some of the smaller sections, which can still give you some serious peace of mind, such as repeat prescriptions, is there an upper age, is there a certain period before you can claim etc. 
  • Check policy documents to see which conditions are covered and the excess on the policy. Do this before you buy of course, and this will make sure you find cover that will work with any health condition that your pet may have. 

Contacting insurers directly

  • Contact insurers directly to ask about their policies and coverage for pre-existing conditions.
  • Obviously this can be done online but at Emerald we like to be different. If you have a question about veterinary treatment, your pet’s condition or particular condition, cover types and any future issues then simply call us on 0330 113 7109 or get a quote HERE.

Consulting with a vet

  • Some people decide to consult with a vet to get advice on the best pet insurance policy for your pet’s specific needs. When you are looking to find insurance for pre existing conditions then this may be an option, but they may be tied to one insurer. If you want to consider other insurers, then please do consider Emerald Life and its award winning cover for pre existing conditions.

Understanding Pet Insurance Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions

Lifetime cover and unlimited vet calls

  • Emerald offers lifetime cover with unlimited vet calls on a lifetime policy, including cover for pre-existing conditions. However, other insurers may offer the same or better, so do check. 

Pet perks and emergency pet care

  • Good question – does your insurer offer pet perks, including discounted flea, tick and worming treatment, and emergency pet care?

Overseas travel and third-party liability

  • Does your insurer offer cover for overseas travel and third-party liability, including cover for pre-existing conditions?

Pet Insurance Policy Exclusions and Exemptions

What’s not covered: chronic and hereditary conditions

  • Often an insurer can’t cover chronic conditions, which are conditions that can’t be cured and need regular treatment, check-ups or medication, or hereditary conditions. 

Premium costs and increases

  • Premiums may increase annually as your pet gets older, and there will be other factors that affect this, such as any claims you have made during the year. Your pet insurance will lay that out in their terms, as well as any conditions on your pet insurance cover for pre existing medical conditions. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Pre-Existing Conditions Pet Insurance

How much will pre-existing pet insurance cost?

  • The cost of your cover will be based on your pet’s age, breed, where you live, the policy type you choose, how much you paid for your pet, and any extras you add on, as well as details of the pre existing medical conditions. 

Do you cover hip or elbow dysplasia in dogs?

  • It is possible to cover bilateral conditions, including hip dysplasia, under our Pre-existing policy as long as there’s been no treatment, medication or advice for three months.

How do pet insurers know my dog has a pre-existing condition?

  • When you make a claim, your insurer will ask your vet for your dog’s medical records, so they can see if they’ve had any previous injuries or illnesses. Failure to disclose your pet’s condition will affect whether you can get pet insurance for pre existing medical condition. 

Comparing Pet Insurance Policies for Pre-Existing Conditions

What to consider when choosing a policy

  • Compare quotes from leading insurers to find pet insurance that covers pre-existing conditions.
  • Check policy documents to see which conditions are covered and the excess on the policy.

How different policies stack up

  • Compare policies from different insurers to find the best cover for your pet’s pre-existing conditions. Or just get an Emerad quote first for insurance for pre existing conditions and start with that!

Real-Life Examples and Reviews

Reviews and testimonials

  • With pet insurers, look out for 5-star reviews from customers who have used their pet insurance policies to cover their pets’ pre existing medical condition.


It can be hard to get pet insurance for pre existing conditions, even from a specialist insurer, with specialist cover. No worries – Emerald may well have the right policy for you – if you don’t already have an existing policy with us!. 

You can call is on 0330 113 7109 between 9 and 5, for a symptom free quote, or visit us HERE